Pressentation of the committee (Under construction)

Gitte Søby

Gitte Søby

A litle presentation of xxxxxx



A litle presentation of xxxxxx



A litle presentation of xxxxxx

About the Register

The Register is a Register of a wide selection of alternative physical therapists for horses.

The register includes an interactive map with an overview of the therapists included in the register.

There is a  “code of conduct” that the therapist has to comply with.

The therapists, that are members of the Register, have the possibility to join  a closed forum for discussions between members. On top of that, everyone in the register will be offered a yearly online webinar on a relevant topic.

To ensure the best quality of the therapists who are accepted into the register, a small committee will assess the incoming applications. It is important to us that the candidates that are accepted have completed a certain number of classes and that the therapist has a diploma.